Happy Birthday!

Today HateCity Pictures turns 2 years old.

In 2006, on my 32nd birthday, I walked into the Dallas city courthouse and obtained the DBA for "Hate City Productions." The name had been something I'd been tossing around in my head for a while, but that was the date that it was formalized. Kind of like naming a baby before birthing it. In the interceding 48 months, the name has changed to the sleeker "HateCity Pictures" and we've made a couple of movies and had a couple of changes to our "staff." Eric Padilla came in for a time as a producer and art director; but will be leaving after completion of "The Betty." Eric Gunter was on board for quite a while as resident director of photography. Maggie Smith, fortunately, has come on for "The Betty" as a script supervisor but has also taken on some production management duty. And then there's Glenn and I - running things in as good a semblance of tandem as two idealistic, competitive, headstrong alpha males can hope to and so far making a pretty good go at it. I'm proud of the work we've done, proud of HateCity, and ready to kick things up to the next level in year 3. Happy birthday HateCity!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! And Happy Birthday to Hate City Pictures as well!

Glenn said...

Us headstrong? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..

lol, we some how seem to keep on trucking thou ;-)