This weekend was dedicated to a new character, Tommy. I don't wanna give anything away about the character or the plot, so I'll just make with a quick cut to the photo teaser:
This weekend also made use of interesting props. Props which we had searched high and low for and found only one. Props which used to be in such abundance we took for granted that we'd find one. And thus a bit of a script change was necessary. Below is a photo of said endangered prop.Even as my cell phone sits next to my keyboard, I am still shocked at the absence of the payphones in a city. Where once fathers made sure their daughters kept a quarter in their shoe for emergency calls home, now cell phones exist even in the hands of the middle school set. Where once was a haven for untraceable nefarious calls, is now a necessity to re-write the goings on of criminal activity for the low budget filmmakers - us. The result actually did turn out pretty cool, though. It's funny how boundaries will turn out a better alternative than you would have ever thought about prior to said boundary.
New player in town
Posted by Unknown at 7:26 PM
Labels: Betty, Production
"... made sure their daughters kept quarters in their shoes..."
Girls carry bags. Why the fuck would we keep quarters in our shoes? Bras, maybe. But shoes? WTF kind of father did you have?
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